Monday, June 3, 2013

It has become part of my "Morning coffee moment"

I am in my mid-fifties and a busy art dealer based in Central London, I had heard of the benefits of Celergen from an American business woman and bought one month’s supply to try it. It comes beautifully packed , it has no after taste and is easy to swallow , what can I say….. it has become part of my “morning coffee moment“, now on my 4th month.
I can’t imagine being without it, my energy level is great, I wake more ready to face the daily challenges and since taking Celergen, I feel that the arthritis on my thumb joints is less painful. Due to my work I stand up most of the day and I feel that the blood flow to my legs is also better , more sensitivity on my legs and feet and generally no more dry skin around the ankles ,
Just one more thing, my hairdresser tells me that I have lots of new hair growth on my head.
Yes……. I have already recommended it to my friends.


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