The science of Cell Therapy is not a recent phenomenon. The use of Cell Therapy for medical enhancement goes back to thousands of years. In the Eber Papyrus of Medicine written in 1600 BC the Egyptian hieroglyphists recommended the injection of animal organs to improve human vitality.
Physicians first started to transplant tissues about 2000 years ago. In the Middle Ages, Paracelsus, the great Swiss philosopher and physician believed that the most effective way to rebuild or revitalize degenerating organs and aging tissues was to use healthy living cells of similar tissues types.
At the end of the 19th century, Paris physiologist Brown Sequard also pronounced the potent effects of cellular therapy when he experienced a significant increase in virility through an injection of cellular extracts from the testicles of a bull. In the late 19th century, a remarkable research on Cell Therapy by the French Nobel Laureate Dr. Alexis Carrel not only stunned the medical world but had a profound effect on Professor Dr. Paul von Niehans, a world renowned Swiss surgeon.
Modern Day Live Cell Therapy achieved global credibility by the painstaking research of Dr. Paul Niehans, who in 1931 made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the technique of organ extraction and Cell Therapy. Progessor Niehans applied his discoveries in Cellular Therapy in over 50,000 patients. Niehans's patients included famous personalities and celebrities like Prime Minister Winston Churchhill, the President of France Charles De Gaulle, American President Dwight Eisenhower and the famous comedian Charlie Chaplin.
Due to its phenonmenal succcess, Cellular Therapy has achieved global prominence as an effective regenerative technique.
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